Monday 3 November 2014

Noni or Morinda Citrifolia as a Cancer Preventive Agent

Noni is a tropical evergreen plant which is grown widely across lava flows. In ancient times this fruit was used to produce a red or yellow dye. Apart from making dye it was also used as a medicine for recovering skin problems. Today, after many researches the number of uses of noni increased significantly. Following are the major uses of this amazing fruit:

1. Studies revealed that noni or morinda citrifolia is great for curing low immunity and low energy problems.

2. It helps in proper digestion by clearing bowels and gastric problems.

3. It lowers the level of bad cholesterol in human body

4. It replaces the lost vitamin C due to common cold

5. It acts as a pain relieving agent

Noni’s Cancer Preventive Properties:

According to the results of recent studies it is seen that noni has cancer preventive properties. The reports showed that on consumption of noni juice for one week, formation of DMBA-DNA adduct was prevented. There was a 30 percent reduction in the level of DMBA-DNA adduct in heart, 42 percent in liver, 41 percent in lung and 80 percent in the kidney.

The results went dynamic when the experiment was conducted with a male mouse. The experiment result showed 60 percent less formation of DMBA-DNA adduct in heart, 70 percent in liver, 50 percent in lung and almost 90 percent in kidney on consumption of just 10 percent of noni juice. Researchers concluded that it is the antioxidant property of morinda citrifolia that contributes to its cancer preventive effect.

Noni supplements are sold in the form of freeze dried powder, juice and capsules. You may buy any of the products to maintain a good health.


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